Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fashion Buget.

your own look; own it!

I’ve been one of those girls’ whose been stressing over what you call “your fashion”. However, when I appear at a store my mind goes blank and all I see is these incredibly big numbers! I end up flipping magazines over magazines and turning over pass seasons’ fashion just trying to find an inspiration for an outfit!

And this is where real fashion comes in.

I realized that it’s actually not really these magazines’ or celebs’ that help me in fashion, but the fashion that they wear with their personality, with their edginess, with the decorations surrounding them, from the scenery behind them, to the props they have, and finally to their crazy hair and makeup.

Fashion inspires you to create your own flare, your own taste.

But how to do it? Question answered --- go to a thrift shop or flea market and start picking. (that's your test)

I’ll be updating about my experience shopping in a thrift store and creating what I call my own fashion. I’ll post up pictures of inspirations I’ve gathered from fashion shows, to makeup and images of sceneries that helped me create it. Then I’ll post up a final picture of my creation. (And I’m going to be the one posing in it because it’ll just tell you how much I did to create it for my own look: body, size, height, matters.)


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Afternoon Design

It hit me this morning, a piece of wood chip thrown at me. I think there was a reason, a reason to write a new blog entry on the next design. I'm making changes, and debating whats right for this particular design I'm currently trying to do. I'll update later, once I have this idea built up. ;)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Whole year, and so far.

It's been quite some time have it? I've been pretty busy and maybe lazy with updating but from now on I'll be updating twice a week. I remember just posting a year ago about becoming the president of Fashion Club at my school, and it's already been a year! A year that I've said that and I've done so much. From doing fundraisers, to designing the grams, and to putting on two Fashion shows!!! That's a lot already! Although there might of been a few times where it was difficult, I tend to keep smiling and make everything come out great. The club back then used to be a bit on the quite side, however I tend to make it come out alive this fall and the upcoming year 2011. Then, it's over for me and I'm off to some unknown college I've been thinking about.

Fashion, Writing,'s my passion. This is not a simple line that I'm saying, but something I wish to do for the rest of my life. Even if the road is rocky, I intend to wear steel shoes and slowly walk towards my goal. I have one life, and that one life I will make people love the way they are, inside and outside. ;)


Sunday, August 30, 2009

My Graphics

My graphics from my soompi Art Thread. Direct dl links are not to be use inappropriately but for user use only. All graphics are made by me, galygal. Only for Fan use. Feel free to credit me. Thankyou for dropping by. Please Enjoy. ^^

Batch one and two 1 &

Batch three

Do not share my links. Thankyooou.

My soompi Art Thread:

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

a little about her...

Hello, Bloggers. “Cheyna” seems like a hard name right, well it’s simpler than it looks. It’s actually pronounced "china". We have gone through a tough journey, but I managed to find my own unique-ness from my name and merged in. I actually adore my name now because it's uncommon and on top of that, I learned how to use it. "cheynadoll" is what I usually put after my work...and it's sounds so cute~.

Anyhow, I’m an incoming junior in high school. I'm currently the president of "Fashion Club" at my school and I’m totally looking forward to it. I'm going to be blogging here every now and then...

Some stuff I’m currently doing:

  • Writing
  • Designing
  • Sketching
